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Répliques de Violet

Violet, la doyenne de la série, nous offre tout au long de la série des répliques mémorables qui sont devenues cultes. Voici un échantillon de ses répliques saison par saison...

__________ Saison 1 __________

  • "What is a weekend?"  - au diner quand Matthew parle de son temps libre le weekend (Episode 1.2)
  • "No Englishman would dream of dying in someone else's house." – après la mort de Kemal Pamuk à Downton Abbey (Episode 1.3)
  • "Why does every day involve a fight with an American?" - concernant une chaise pivotante au bureau de Matthew (Episode 1.4)
  • "Your quarrel is with my daughter, Rosamund, and not with me. So put that in your pipe and smoke it." (Episode 1.7)
  • "What's the matter, I have plenty of friends I don't like."- à Robert.
  • No, she isn’t, until she is married. And then her husband will tell her what her opinions are.” - au sujet des idées politiques de Sybil
  • If she won’t say yes when he might be poor, he won’t want her when he will be rich.” - en référence à la demande en marriage de Matthew pendant la grossesse de Cora.
  • One can’t go to pieces at the death of every foreigner. We’d all be in a constant state of collapse whenever we opened a newspaper.” – après que Mary soit triste à propos de la mort de Mr. Pamuk.
  • "We can't have him assassinated I suppose" – en reference à l’embassadeur turque.
  • "You are quite wonderful the way you see improvement wherever you look. I never knew such reforming zeal." -à Isobel. Isobel- "I take that as a compliment." Violet: "I must have said it wrong."

__________ Saison 2 __________

  • "Oh, that's a relief. I hate Greek drama. When everything happens off stage." – quand elle apprend que Mary et Matthew ne se sont pas rencontrés dans le train. (Episode 2.01)
  • "Anna, help me do battle with this monstrosity. It looks like a creature from the lost world." – se refferant aux fleurs de Cora. (Episode 2.01)
  • "Well I suppose looks aren't everything." – à Cora à propos de Lavinia
  • "Edith, you are a Lady, not Toad of Toad Hall." (Episode 2.02)
  • "I'm a woman, Mary. I can be as contrary as I choose." (Episode 2.04)
  • "Oh really! It's like living in a second-rate hotel, where the guests keep arriving and no one seems to leave." – aux soldats qui restent à la maison de convalescence à Downton Abbey (Episode 2.04)
  • "Is this an instrument of communication or torture?" - tout en utilisant le telephone.
  • "Finally I would point out, your living is in Lord Grantham's gift. Your house is on Lord Grantham's land and the very flowers in your church are from Lord Grantham's garden. I hope it is not vulgar in me to suggest that you find some way to overcome your scruples." - à Albert Travis quand il refuse de procéder à la cérémonie du mariage de William Mason et Daisy (Episode 2.05)
  • "I don't dislike him, I just don't like him. Which is quite different." (Episode 2.06)
  • "Oh, I should steer clear of May. Marry in May, rue the day." – sur les plans de mariage de  Lavinia. (Episode 2.06)
  • "No doubt you will regard this as rather unorthodox, my pushing into a man's bedroom uninvited." (Episode 2.07)
  • "Marriage is a long business. There's no getting out of it for our kind of people. You may live 40, 50 years with one of these women. Just make sure it's the right one." – à Matthew sur le fait de se marier avec Mary au lieu de Lavinia (Episode 2.06)
  • "I was watching her the other night, when you spoke of your wedding. She looked like Juliet on awakening in the tomb." – à Matthew après l’annonce de ses plans de mariage avec Lavinia (Episode 2.07) 
  • "Don't be defeatist, dear, it's very middle class." - à Édith quand elle vérifie les cadeaux de mariage et se demande si un jour se sera elle la mariée. (Episode 2.08)
  • "The plot thickens." – au diner quand Sybil admet qu'elle a peut-être essayé de s’enfuir avec Tom une fois.
  • "I do hope I'm interrupting something." – quand elle entre dans la chamber de Sybil. (Episode 2.08)
  • "Now, Sybil, dear, this sort of thing is all very well in novels, but in reality, it can prove very uncomfortable." – après son intention de se marier avec Tom et vivre en Irelande (Episode 2.08)
  • "What is this driving mania?"
  • "You'll find there's never a dull moment in this house."- à Carlisle quand Carson devient malade.
  • Wasn’t there a masked ball in Paris when cholera broke out? Half the guests were dead before they left the ballroom.” – après que Carson, Cora et Lavinia deviennent malade de la grippe espagnole.
  • "1920! Is it to be believed? I feel old as Methuselah." – Au Jour de l’An après les douzes coups de minuit.
  • "Sir Richard, life is a game in which the player must appear ridiculous." – à Sir Richard pendant le spectacle de Noel pour les enfants.
  • "When I think what the last 10 years has brought. God knows what we're in for now." – à la Nouvelle Année
  • "Do you promise?" - sa réponse quand Sir Richard déclare qu’il ne la reverra surement plus jamais.
  • "Don't be, don't be. It was a wedding present from a frightful aunt. I have hated it for half a century." – à Matthew après avoir cassé un vase. 

__________ Saison 3 __________

  • "Are you really that tall?" "Yes Milady." "Thought you might have been walking on stilts" – au nouveau valet de pied Alfred Nugent. (Episode 3.01 )
  • "Branson, I mean Tom, you're a member of the family now. You'll find we Crawleys stick together." – à son petit gendre. (Episode 3.01 )
  • "Forgive? Perhaps. Forget? Never!" - après que Tom ait été drogué par Larry Grey pour qu’il soit bourré et Cora demande aux invites d’oublier l’incident.
  • "I'm so sorry, I thought you were a waiter." – à son fils, en référence au fait qu'il porte une cravate noire à une fête vétue de blanc. (Episode 3.02 )
  • "At my age one must ration one's excitement." – à Edith lors des préparatifs de son marriage.
  • "Sybil, vulgarity is no substitute for wit." – à Sybil le soir avant le mariage d’Edith.
  • "My dear, when tragedies strike, we try to find someone to blame. And in the absence of a suitable candidate, we usually blame ourselves. You are not to blame. No one is to blame. Our darling Sybil has died during childbirth, like too many women before her, and all we can do now is cherish her memory, and her child." – après la mort de Sybil et Cora accuse Robert de cette tragédie (Episode 3.05)
  • "It seems a pity to miss such a good pudding." – au lunch organise chez Isobel préparé par Ethel (Episode 3.06)
  • "Since we have a country solicitor and a car mechanic, it was only a matter of time." – en réponse à Edith de son souhait de devenir journaliste. (Episode 3.07)
  • "That's the thing about nature; there's so much of it." – lors du pique-nique au Duneagle Castle.
  • "I agree. But then, we don't always get our just desserts."

__________ Saison 4 __________

  • "How I sympathize with King Cnut."
  • "So another brick is pulled from the wall." - à son fils quand il porte la cravate noire.
  • "I wouldn't know. I am not familiar with the sensation." - à Isobel pour montrer à quel point elle déteste avoir tort.
  • "Hmm, yes, but you're better than nothing." - à Isobel.

__________ Saison 5 __________

  • "Principles are like prayers: noble, of course, but awkward at a party."
  • "An unlucky friend is tiresome enough, an unlucky acquaintance is intolerable." - à Isobel
  • "In my day a Lady was incapable of feeling physical attraction, until she had been instructed to do so by her Mama." – à Mary sur sa relation avec Tony Gillingham
  • "I agree. Hope is a tease, designed to prevent us accepting reality." - à Prince Igor Kuragin
  • "Oh all this endless thinking; it's very overrated. I blame the war; before 1914 nobody thought of anything at all.." – au reste de la famille lors de la fuite d’Edith.
  • "My dear, a lack of compassion can be as vulgar as an excess of tears" - à Mary au sujet de son désintérêt sur les occupations d'Édith.

__________ Saison 6 __________

  • "A peer in favour of reform is like a turkey in favour of Christmas." (Episode 6.03)
  • “Some say our history, but I blame the weather.” - à Rosamund en réponse de "What makes the English the way we are".
Ecrit par stella 
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langedu74, Hier à 19:39

Encore quelques pouces nécessaires pour valider le thème de The Handmaid's Tale, merci

chrismaz66, Aujourd'hui à 08:02

J'ai voté pour le thème Langedu74 ^^

choup37, Aujourd'hui à 09:16

voté aussi!

chrismaz66, Aujourd'hui à 10:08

Venez départager Christian Clavier et Bruno Salomone chez Kaamelott, les Gladiateurs (jeu) c'est la finale! Merci ^^

Locksley, Aujourd'hui à 19:08

Le quartier Fire Country est ouvert ! Bonne inauguration à sabby et bonne visite !

Viens chatter !