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Script VO du Webisode N°3

ASHLEY: Mom! Take it easy

HELEN: I believe we have discussed better coordinating our efforts when attempting a capture, have we not?

ASHLEY: Again, we got the ghoul. OK, take a pill!

HELEN: Watch your cheek with me young lady, especially with company present. I apologise for Ashley's unruly behaviour Dr Zimmerman. What she lacks in refinement I assure you, she more than makes up for in skill

WILL: Really

ASHLEY: Hey! I saved your life

HELEN: Hold still

WILL: Yeah, thanks. So I take it you guys do this a lot?

ASHLEY: Oh this is nothing. After our Romania trip last year we had more plasma flowing

HELEN: Ashley, please! I don't like it when you glorify our work

ASHLEY: And our den of werewolves. Me, Mom and some loser Romanian, Lucas Wrangler, were low on silver tips, full moon is on the rise. That! was a party

WILL: Do you mean like werewolf werewolves?

ASHLEY: Mom, seriously, who is this guy?

HELEN: Dr Zimmerman is our guest. Please try to keep that in mind as you blather away. There, my darling, good as new

ASHLEY: Hate to beat and run but gotta be on the eastside in 20. Hot date, with Ernie. Nice to meet you, ah keep the ice going. Don't wait up

WILL: So she's your daughter? Because there can't be more than like 12 years difference between you two

HELEN: The details are unimportant. Ashley is my flesh and blood and she plays a vital role in my work

WILL: She bags them, you tag them? Oh well, it works for me. So, you find this inside one of the victims? It looks like some sort of phosphorous based chemical.

HELEN: Secretions from the boys appendage, contains significant trace amounts of low grade plutonium. But so tiny an amount is hardly lethal

WILL: Well, yeah, that's more your department, so I'm just going to...

HELEN: True enough. Right now there is an urgent need for your talents doctor. He is by estimation 10 years of age. Considering his family I would say he was brought here by the Eastern European black market. Such imperfect children are often adopted by well meaning immigrant families. Some are blind, others have deformities, mental illness. I'm sure he seemed perfectly normal in his photograph, if they even saw one

WILL: What the hell is that thing?

HELEN: I will only be able to determine his physiological state once we've gained his trust

WILL: OK sit him up and release him. Ah, please. OK, we'll be fine. Really. I'm just going to grab this chair here. Nice and slowly

HELEN: Watch them

DRUITT: Who were those actors? I've seen less wood sailing to Tahiti!

HELEN: John, stop it

DRUITT: I'm merely saying Her Majesty was dead on barring that from an indefinite run

HELEN: Truly dreadful wasn't it. You're favourite play too

DRUITT: But for the perfect vision to my left I would have caught up on some much needed sleep

Coach Driver: Where to this evening?

HELEN: A turn through Piccadilly to start please

Coach Driver: Very good Ma'am

DRUITT: And where are you taking me now woman?

HELEN: Where ever I please. I'll not have you home before midnight John Druitt. Not before I've had my way with you

DRUITT: Then the night awaits!

HELEN: I take it you're feeling much better?

DRUITT: Ah there is nothing like the attentions of a capable physician to cure the chronically ill

HELEN: You were never ill it was simply

DRUITT: an element of my physiology as yet undiscovered by medicine. You've done so much for me

HELEN: John, I hardly

DRUITT: Let me speak Doctor. I've spent my entire life lost in a void, afraid of who I am, of what I am. If not for you I fear I would have remained lost. Instead I can now see that I'm neither a freak of nature nor a devil. But a man [he kisses Helen's hand] very much in love and someone who wishes to spend the rest of his life repaying his saviour for all she's done. [He takes out a ring in a box and presents it to Helen] I promise to make you happy Helen for all eternity.

WILL: Whoa hey! Time out a second OK? Here's the problem, alright, you keep that up that big hairy guy is going to come back in here and believe me it will get ugly. And the bigger problem is that he scares me more than you do. OK why aren't you trying to eat my brain anymore? OK I think I'm getting the ground rules here. The less fear I feel, the less you want to snack on my cerebellum? OK. You have a name?

ALEXEI: Alexei

WILL: Alexei, that's a cool name. I'm Will. I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that you're not from around here.

ALEXEI: I'm from place with no people. A dead city

WILL: You want to tell me how this all started?

ALEXEI: Family adopt me. Bring me home, but they not like me. Not after...

WILL: Yeah, not the kind of reception you were hoping for huh?

ALEXEI: They were afraid. I tried to stop it, but only more fear comes

WILL: So the more fear, the more it comes out, a defence mechanism. Well that's perfectly normal whenever you feel scared that's what's going to happen but you don't have to be afraid anymore

HELEN: Magnificent

ERNIE: I know you like the firepower Ash, that's why I ordered these babies, especially for you. Direct from my source in Tel Aviv.

ASHLEY: You take such good care of me Ern, that's why I keep coming back for more.

ERNIE: So we're kosher here right? I mean I know Henry doesn't appreciate any weapon he doesn't make himself

ASHLEY: Well, Henry's gear is too experimental. I'm a traditionalist

ERNIE: And when it's your ass on the line, Amen. So! What else you need? I've got Kevlar, silver tips, if you're going after vamps I know a brother in Prague who just received a shipment of holy water. Pressurised canisters, 5,000 PSI, launcher included, deal of a lifetime

ASHLEY: Stop it. You're turning me on. How much for both?

ERNIE: Both? Well, for you Ash 6 thou.

ASHLEY: Phffft!

ERNIE: But I tell you what. If we start pooling our resources, do some jobs together. My contacts become your contacts and vice versa, the price goes way south, if you know what I mean

ASHLEY: Come on Ernie. You now my mother has a few issues with the way that you work

ERNIE: So, hate the game not the player. Oh, that's gonna leave a mark!

DRUITT: Nasty toy for one so young

ASHLEY: You just killed the second best ghoul tracker in five states, not to mention a friend

DRUITT: Clumsy me!

ASHLEY: Have we met before? A crypt somewhere?

DRUITT: I'm an old family friend

ASHLEY: Oh, no card for your Christmas. Well, next year.

DRUITT: Now young lady I believe it's past your bedtime

WILL: If you need anything during the night, you just ring that bell, alright? I won't be too far away Alexei, I promise

ASHLEY: Will. You are like the other man I met in tunnel. He treat me well too

WILL: What other man?

HELEN: State your emergency

ERNIE: Hey doc, it's me. You've got a problem

DRUITT: Do not bite me

ASHLEY: How did you know I was going to?

DRUITT: I would have done the same

ASHLEY: OK, now you've got my attention and that's quite an achievement considering your bad taste in clothes

DRUITT: Oh such manners for a lady! But then look at your mother, she never understood her place in the world either

ASHLEY: Bad enough that you're a teleporting psycho, you're a Republican too!

DRUITT: Well let's just say, I am a strong believer in family values

ASHLEY: here's some free advice. Kidnapping me pisses my Mom off more than serving the wrong wine with fish. So I'd start running

DRUITT: Oh, I'm not going anywhere. Why would I? Now that I've finally have what I wanted for so long

ASHLEY: Yeah, what's that?

DRUITT: Why you of course. My daughter

HELEN: Are you quite certain?

WILL: Yeah, Alexei said he could jump instantly from place to place, if you buy that, which you will

HELEN: With a kind of bluish green flash?

WILL: You see.

HELEN: It corroborates an encounter for abduction. Damn it!

WILL: It doesn't make any sense. Alexei had no reason to run

HELEN: He didn't run, he was taken

WILL: What the hell is this?

HELEN: Directions

WILL: To where? There's no station at 98th Street

HELEN: There used to be before the new city was built. That's where we'll find Alexei. And Ashley

WILL: You know who did this don't you?

HELEN: His name is Montague John Druitt. He was my first patient

WILL: Meaning he's not exactly normal?

HELEN: Through certain genetic abnormalities he is able to bend dimensional space at will. Warp from place to place

WILL: In a blue green flash

HELEN: Exactly

WILL: Well I'd say cool if he wasn't, you know, the bad guy

HELEN: Each time he does it, specific portions of his brain are damaged, causing increased dementia, paranoia, rage. I discovered all this too late, his murderous habits were already well under way. I tried to stop him but failed

WILL: Are you sure its him?

HELEN: Twelfth Night, his favourite play

WILL: A5 S1, Act 5 Scene 1?

HELEN: "thus the whirligig of time brings in his revenges". Each of us has our worst fears to confront Dr Zimmerman. John Druitt is mine.


Source: Wikia

Ecrit par albi2302 
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